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1阅读理解 中

Singapore is a very modern country in Southeast Asia.If you've been traveling in its capital city,Singapore,it can be a shock when it comes to accommodation prices.For backpackers they have no choice but to stay outside of the central area.If you are a visitor,I think it's best to stay in the historic central area to make the most of your time.For first-timers I have put together this list of the best areas to stay in Singapore.


Chinatown is where the original community of Chinese immigrants settled in Singapore.The area is lined with Chinese stores,markets,and great places to eat for all budgets.It lies next to the downtown area and there is a variety of accommodation choices,from hostels (招待所) to 5-star hotels.

Little India

Little India is where most of the original Indian migrants made their home.Today it is still famous for temples,markets,and lots of places to eat delicious Indian foods.It's the most popular spot for backpackers and there are some good mid-range choices here.

Kampong Glam

A short walk from Little India is the Kampong Glam area.This is where Arab traders set up shops,with street names such as Haji Lane,Baghdad St,and Arab St.The neighborhood is now one of the trendiest in Singapore.

Changi Airport

With one of the biggest airports in the region,the chances are you might just be passing without time to stay.Changi Airport is awarded as one of the best in the world,so if you have to do an overnighter at an airport,then you couldn't have a better experience than at Changi.I didn't get any sleep but it was an enjoyable stay for an airport.

(1) What will make backpackers disappointed in Singapore?______

A. The remote location of the hotels.

B. The system of accommodation.

C. The high charges of the hotels.

D. The accommodation with poor facilities.

(2) Which area is close to the center of Singapore?______

A. Chinatown.B. Little India.C. Changi Airport.D. Kampong Glam.

(3) What do we know about Changi Airport?______

A. It witnesses a noisy environment.

B. It has gained a fairly good reputation.

C. It offers passengers worse service.

D. It is the biggest airport in Singapore.

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2阅读理解 中

You've been asking for a while now,so we're agreeing to it,but there are going to be some rules,OK?This is going to be your dog,not Mommy and Daddy's,which means you will be taking care of him.And faking care of another living thing is a big responsibility.

It's going to be your job to feed him,to bathe him and to walk him.If he poops,you're going to clean it.If your dog gets sick,you'll have to take him to the vet(兽医).If he goes to Doggy Heaven,you will have to bury him.If he happens to be buried in a magic place that causes him to come back to life and become a zombie(僵尸)dog,and I know here,it's going to be your job to take care of him.Dead or undead,it's still your concern.

If he kills a deer and drags it to our yard,it's going to be your responsibility to remove that dead deer.Your pet,your dead deer.If he steps things up and kills a human,perhaps a mailman,as his owner,you might be legally involved in that person's death.If you try to cover up that death and,in a rush,bury him in the same magic place,bringing him back to life too,don't scream and cry because a zombie mailman is trying to burst into your bedroom.Your pet,your zombie mailman.

If the zombie mailman kills you,will we be upset?Of course we will.You're our child.And our child didn't take her pet-ownership duties seriously enough to predict this sort of thing.If we choose to bury you in the same magic place and allow you to come back to life,we'll need to make one thing absolutely clear.Just because your human life ends doesn't mean your human responsibilities end with it.Homework is homework.If the dog's still kicking around,food/walks/baths-you know the drill.

So the answer is yes,you can get a dog.Or just stick with your goldfish.Your call.

(1) What can we infer from the underlined part "we may sound like a broken record"?______

A. The parents keep playing a broken record.

B. The parents keep reminding their child of her duty.

C. The parents are frightened of a zombie dog.

D. The parents are confident of their child's ability.

(2) What do we know about the pet dog?______

A. He is sure to upset the parents.B. He is bound to kill a deer or a man.

C. He is expected to become a zombie.D. He is supposed to be cared for well.

(3) How is the passage developed?______

A. By comparison.B. By analysis.C. By assumption.D. By debate.

(4) What is the author's purpose of writing this passage?______

A. To show the experience of raising a pet dog.

B. To show the excitement of raising a pet dog.

C. To persuade the child not to get a pet dog.

D. To persuade the child not to get any pet at all.

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3阅读理解 易

The food people eat is often brought in from miles away and stored using traditional cooling systems before the products hit store shelves.Ice is the most common cooling method that is used.When ice melts,it's not reusable.Luxin Wang,one of the project's leaders,saw the massive amounts of unrecyclable ice being used to store the fish at a fishing processing plant and the cross-contamination(交叉污染)that melted water could spread among products or down the drain.This inspired her to look for a sustainable solution.The team got to work and created what they refer to as "jelly ice cubes".

The ice cubes can take on various shapes and sizes and temperature and pressure changes.That means that the jelly ice cubes won't melt in hotter temperatures but rather the technology will change colors to indicate that the ice cube needs to be refrozen.The cubes won't lose their form either.The novelty cubes can be used for 13 hours of storage and can easily be washed with bleach(漂白剂),and frozen again for reuse.

The research team knows that using these has huge potential to reduce water waste and food waste across the food supply chain.Food contamination is one of the biggest factors in food waste and can happen at any stage.Once ice turns to water,it can pick up bacteria and subsequently spread it between neighboring produce.However,if the jelly ice cubes are used,they can offer a reusable solution to conserve water and have a big impact on reducing food waste.These solid cubes can prevent cross-contamination that comes from melted ice.

Already easing two major threats facing food production,the team plans to take their research one step further and use agricultural waste and byproducts as the cooling agents(冷却剂)in their future ice cube designs.And these new innovative jelly ice cubes appear to be real winners in helping create greener food industry.

(1) What motivated Wang to create the jelly ice cubes?______

A. Dealing with food waste at a fishing processing plant.

B. Transporting products with ice cubes melting halfway.

C. Seeing problems of storing the fish in a traditional way.

D. Receiving boxes with many unrecyclable ice cubes inside.

(2) What does the underlined word "withstand" in paragraph 2 probably mean?______

A. Resist.B. Measure.C. Reduce.D. Sense.

(3) What is paragraph 3 mainly about?______

A. The cause of food contamination.

B. The advantages of the jelly ice cubes.

C. The process of manufacturing new ice cubes.

D. The methods of keeping food clean and fresh.

(4) What can we infer from the last paragraph?______

A. The jelly ice cubes will reach food producers soon.

B. The new ice cubes will contribute to the promotion of green food.

C. Researchers have discovered effective ways to ensure food safety.

D. Researchers will make the production of ice cubes more eco-friendly.

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4阅读理解 中

Some documents have been making the rounds lately-where people who work various positions in different industries share how much they're paid.

Bravo!It's about time we blew up that old belief that salaries have to stay secret.This is not just a matter of curiosity.Having information about salaries can help narrow the gender wage gap,which has barely changed for more than a decade.Recently released date from the US Census Bureau shows that,on average,women working full time still are paid only 82 cents for every dollar paid to a man.And the gap is even wider for many women of color:Black women make 62 cents,and Latinas just 54 cents.What's more,thepay gap even extends into her retirement.Because she earned less and therefore paid less to the social security system,she receives less in social security benefits.

Having greater access to salary information is helping to speed things up.A new research report by the American Association of University Women shows that the wage gap tends to be smaller in job sectors where pay transparency(透明)is a must.For example,amongfederal government workers,there's just a 13 percent pay difference between men and women,and in state government,the gap is about 17 percent.But in private,for-profit companies,where salaries are generally kept under wraps,the gender wage gap jumps to 29 percent.

Fortunately,salary information is increasingly available on some websites.Certain companies and many human resources departments are pushing ahead with this practice.Of course,it's going to take more than salary transparency to equalize earnings between women and men.But sharing salaries can and must be part of the solution.The more information women have about how jobs are valued—and what different people earn—the better they will understand their value in the labor market and be able to push for the pay they deserve.

(1) Why are the figures mentioned in paragraph 2?______

A. To reveal the severity of gender wage gap.

B. To confirm the previous belief about salaries.

C. To satisfy readers' curiosity about others' salaries.

D. To appeal to readers to share their salary information.

(2) What is paragraph 3 mainly about?______

A. The inequality between men and women.

B. The need to keep salary information a secret.

C. The advantage of working for the government.

D. The benefit of making salary information public.

(3) What is the author's attitude towards sharing salary information?______

A. Critical.B. Favourable.C. UncleanD. Negative.

(4) Which of the following is the best title for the passage?______

A. Why It Pays to Share How Much You Make

B. Where Salary Information Difference Lies

C. What It Takes to Realize Gender Equality

D. How Woman's Value Improves at Work.

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5阅读七选五 中

Narcissists (自恋者)are people who are simply interested in themselves.They talk about themselves,demand admiration and recognition and believe everyone else should envy them (1) .When you come across a narcissistic person,your initial reaction might be shock,but in some cases the best reaction might be none at all.

Understand that narcissism is a personality disorder. (2) .Often the person can't help himself he actually believes his idea of being superior to others.Remember that Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)is classified as a mental illness.

(3) .A narcissist feeds off attention from others.When the person starts talking about himself excessively,the best thing to do is just walk away-leave the situation.

Have reasonable expectations about the person and his ability to stop being self-absorbed.This is not a disorder that goes away on its own-often the person will need intensive counseling (咨询)to deal with his narcissism.Suggest counseling if you are in a close relationship with the person,such as a marriage. (4) ,his condition may improve with treatment.

(5) ,A narcissist can be a burden on his friends and family and will often put others down as a way of building himself up.It is important to have high confidence yourself,so that you do not start to believe and absorb what he says as if it is the truth.

A.Stay positive and strong-minded

B.Ignore the person whenever possible

C.Give him or her a hand whenever possible

D.While he may not be able to stop the behavior completely

E.Often it is rooted in childhood issues,such as abuse or neglect

F.When you are suffering from this kind of mental disorder occasionally

G.They might even lie or exaggerate (夸大)the truth as a way to lift themselves

(1) A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G

(2) A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G

(3) A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G

(4) A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G

(5) A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G

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6完形填空 难

Alvin,66,was deep in the woods in Grand Cane last December when something like litter on the ground caught his eye.It was a (1) balloon with a note attached.

"Dear Santa," the note (2) . "My name is Luna.Four years old.This year I have been (3) .I would like candy,Spider-Man ball,My Little Pony.With love,Luna."

Alvin's heart hammered in his chest.It reminded him of his childhood wish.He smiled and set out to (4) Luna's wish.He posted a photo of the balloon and the Christmas wish list on his Facebook page,asking for help (5) the sender.

Meanwhile,Gonzalez,the mother of four-year old Luna,had no idea that such a(n) (6) was underway.It had been a hard year for her family as COVID-19 spread.On a (7) tough day last December,she (8) the idea of having Luna send a letter to Santa by releasing aballoon.They enjoyed a (9) Christmas together,and then the calendar turned to a new year.

One day,Gonzalez received a call saying that someone had found Luna's balloon.Her jaw (10) .She logged on to Facebook and saw Alvin's (11) .She called Alvin and finally agreed to let Alvin fulfill her daughter's wish list.

"Santa dropped your balloon (12) ," Gonzalez told Luna, "but one of his elves (精灵) found it." Not long after that,Luna received three boxes' worth of (13) with a note signed "Alvin the Elf."

Now,having received so much (14) ,Gonzalez and her girl intend to pay it forward this year.After all,when Alvin could have just (15) that balloon in the trash,he went more than the extra mile.

(1) A. beautifulB. brokenC. preciousD. blown

(2) A. printedB. wroteC. typedD. read

(3) A. niceB. difficultC. demandingD. smart

(4) A. fulfillB. spreadC. makeD. express

(5) A. entertainingB. unitingC. reportingD. locating

(6) A. preparationB. effortC. researchD. game

(7) A. temporarilyB. relativelyC. particularlyD. naturally

(8) A. came up withB. argued aboutC. put up withD. jumped at

(9) A. healthyB. greenC. modestD. grand

(10) A. burstB. crackedC. brokeD. dropped

(11) A. postB. letterC. nameD. photo

(12) A. in timeB. after allC. by accidentD. on purpose

(13) A. candiesB. giftsC. toysD. books

(14) A. attentionB. admirationC. popularityD. generosity

(15) A. adoptedB. storedC. thrownD. dragged

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7语法填空 易

Chinese weddings are as much about the happy couple as they are about their respective families.The weddings are (1) ______ (impress) affairs that focus on blessings of happiness.The date of the wedding ceremony is chosen not (2) ______ chance. Many couples carefully choose a favorable date(3) ______ (bring)success to their marriage.The ceremony can last anywhere from four hours to three days,(4) ______ depends on how many Chinese wedding traditions are observed.

The Chinese wedding invitation is (5) ______ (typical) red with a golden Double Happiness symbol, dates for the wedding and names of the bride and bridegroom (6) ______ (include)inside.

While Chinese wedding traditions have modernized and no longer involve a large procession, the journey to pick up the bride (7) ______ (be)till a lively affair.It can involve (8) ______ use of firecrackers, playing of drums and gongs, or even a lion dance.

Another vital tradition, the Chinese tea ceremony(Jing Cha),(9) ______ (perform)at Chinese weddings to show the new couple's respect,gratitude,and (10) ______ (appreciate) for their parents' love,support, and effort in raising them.A red tea set with a Double Happiness symbol is used for the tea ceremony.

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8书面表达 中

假设你是晨光中学的李华,你的英国好友 Peter 最近给你来信,询问你对自己未来职业的规划。请你给他回信,内容要点包括:




Dear Peter,



Li Hua

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9书面表达 难

One Saturday morning,Jeremy woke up to a quiet house.Usually Mom was awake making breakfast and cleaning the kitchen,but not today.At the sound of his mom coughing,Jeremy knocked on her bedroom door and asked with great concern, "Mom,are you ok?" "Honey," Mom said weakly. "I have a terrible cold.You can have cereal (燕麦) for breakfast and watch cartoons.I'm going to stay in bed."

Jeremy poured some cereal into a bowl and ate the pieces dry.Mom must feel very bad if she was staying in bed all day.How could Jeremy help?First,he wiped up the crumbs(食物碎屑) of cereal he left on the kitchen counter.He also put away the cereal box neatly,so the kitchen looked just as it did when he woke up.But what else could he do?Jeremy thought.Saturday was the day when mom did laundry.Jeremy loved to watch the clothes spinning in the machine.That should be fun!He ran to his room to get the laundry basket,inside which there was his mother's favorite white dress,among other clothes and a pair of red socks.

Jeremy opened the door to the washer and put the clothes inside.He had watched Mom do laundry lots of times,so he knew where to find the washing powder and how to pour it into the machine.Finally,he closed the door and pressed the big button that said "START." Jeremy looked through the round glass window.Water was pouring in,and the machine was starting to spin,making his clothing tumble around.That was easy!

Jeremy watched cartoons until he heard the washing machine beep.That meant the washing was done.Jeremy opened the door to take out the damp clothes.He took out a few at a time and moved them into the dryer.Everything seemed clean,and Jeremy felt proud.Then he pulled out a pink dress.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


But he remembered there was no pink dress in the laundry basket.______

Holding the pink dress,Jeremy nervously knocked at his mom's bedroom door again.______

